Your Questions Answered From Our Attorneys

Your Questions Answered From Our Attorneys

Q: What is a contingency fee?

A: At our Law Office we handle most personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we collect attorneys’ fees only if you recover compensation for your losses and expenses. Generally, our fees will constitute a percentage of your award, which will be predetermined before we proceed with your case. If you do not receive any financial compensation, we will not bill you for our attorneys’ services.accident injury lawyers

Q: How long do I have to file suit for my injuries and damage?

A: The “statute of limitation” for bringing suit will vary depending upon the circumstances. Unless you bring a lawsuit in the proper time, you are barred from doing so. It is critical to contact an attorney for proper advice. In some cases, it may be one year, but in other cases, it may be much shorter. If a “public entity” is liable, you may need to file a “tort claim” with the public entity within a few months, or you are barred from suing the public entity. Many people are confused about what a public entity is. A public entity may include the obvious, like a state, county or city government and schools, but it may also include a utility or private companies in contract with the government.

Q. Should I provide any statements to an insurance company?

A: Without an attorney, we advise that you only provide basic information such as names and addresses. An insurance company requesting information from you may be placing its own interests above your own. The more severe the injuries and property damage resulting from an accident, the more consideration you should give to obtaining legal representation from a competent auto accident attorney.

Q: The other driver was uninsured; can I still be compensated?

A: Although state law requires that motorists prove their ability to pay for personal injury or property damage in the event of an auto accident by purchasing insurance, many drivers simply ignore this obligation. Other motorists choose to purchase the lowest amount of coverage allowed by law. These uninsured and underinsured drivers are frequently unable to cover the costs of the accidents that they are involved in; as a result, the victims of their negligence end up assuming responsibility for expenses that were not their fault. An essential part of any automobile accident investigation includes identifying and pursuing all available insurance sources, including underinsurance and uninsured motorist coverage.
Although your insurance company may be obligated to pay damages for your medical expenses and other financial hardships caused by the collision, securing fair payment is often difficult. These claims are frequently delayed, underpaid, or wrongfully denied. Contact one of our accident attorneys to learn how we can help you recover the compensation that you are legally owed.

Q: Is there a minimum personal injury settlement amount?

A: No, there is no minimum or maximum settlement amount. The amount of a settlement in a personal injury case depends on a lot of factors, including:
The nature and extent of the injury;
The amount of economic damages (such as lost wages and medical bills); and,
The amount of time the injury is expected to last.
If you’re trying to put a value on a specific case, it would be a good idea to check with a lawyer near you

Q: How do I collect my personal injury award?

A: If the person against whom you have the judgment has insurance, the easiest thing to do is simply to notify the insurance company of your judgment (if they’re not already aware of it). The insurance company will usually just write a check for the damages up to the limit of the insurance policy. If the person against whom you have the judgment is uninsured, collecting won’t be as easy. You must have the judgment “entered” with the court and then seek to “enforce” the judgment. There are actually attorneys who specialize in collecting judgments, and it would be a good idea to consult with one.

Our Main Office:

Carabin Shaw P.C.
630 Broadway St, San Antonio, TX 78215