Back-Up Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorneys

Back-Up Accident Lawyer

Our auto accident lawyers represent victims of back-up collisions and backover accidents. If you have been hurt or if a member of your family has died in a backup accident, contact our firm for a free and confidential, no-obligation consultation.

Back-Up and Back-over Accidents
Pedestrians, cyclists, young children and other bystanders are particularly vulnerable to accidents when other vehicles are backing up. A collision involving a forward-moving car colliding with a vehicle backing up is often referred to as a “back up accident”. A collision involving a vehicle backing up colliding with or running over a child or adult directly behind the vehicle is a “backover accident.” Both types of accidents may occur when the driver puts his or her vehicle into reverse without checking whether or not it is safe to back up. Although less common than other types of vehicle collisions, back-up accidents do occur frequently and often result in serious injury or death, especially to pedestrians, cyclists and others not protected by the steel walls of another vehicle.

Backup Accidents and Blind Spots
Back-up accidents occur most frequently because a driver does not confirm it is safe to back-up before putting the car in reverse. All vehicles have blind spots, however, the presence of a blind spot does not excuse an accident. Especially when backing up, the larger the car, truck, or SUV, the greater potential for blind spots. Small children and objects close to the ground may fall within a car or truck’s blind spot. The driver of the car backing up is usually the at-fault party. Additionally, if dangerous conditions on a property contributed to a backup accident, the property owner or occupant responsible for maintaining the property may also be liable.

Young Children and Back-over Accidents
Several dozen children are seriously injured or killed each year in backover accidents. The most common victims are children between 12-23 months. These young toddlers are independent enough to take off but have very limited understanding of the dangers of large vehicles. The majority of toddler backover accidents take place in a driveway or outside of a victim’s home. The use of a backup camera or simply getting out and looking behind a car before backing up can reduce back-up accidents.

Auto Accident Consultation
The auto accident lawyers at our firm represent victims of all types of car accidents. If your child was injured or killed in a backover accident or if you were injured in a backup collision, contact a qualified and experienced auto accident attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal rights and duties. You and/or your child may be entitled to compensation for your/their injuries. A lawyer can help you ensure that your child’s medical needs are met and you are fully and fairly compensated for your child’s injuries due to the negligent actions of another.

No Fees Unless We Win

We will not charge any fees unless you win your auto accident claim. This means that we advance all of your expenses related to your case and if we do not recover money for you, you will not be charged. More information on this website